Jean, 12 years old

Jean, 12 years old

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Skype Hilarity and an Adoption Update

Joyfully, we get to Skype with Jean once every two weeks for about an hour. It's great when we have a translator! We always have things to tell him, with sports and piano and school and Scouts and holidays and weekend outings. It's more difficult however when no translator is available. With our limited Spanish, it only takes 5 minutes or so to say the following:

Us: Cómo estás? (How are you?)
Jean: Bien. (Fine.)

Us: Cómo es la escuela? (How is school?)
Jean: Bien.

Us: Cómo esta su familia sustituto? (How is your foster family?)
Jean: Bien.

Us: Cómo está la clima? (How is the weather?)
Jean: Bien.

Us: Que hiciste durante el fin de semana? (What did you do over the weekend?)
At least this question elicits more than a one word answer! However, it is still always the same week after week:
Jean: Fuimos a la misa, jugué fútbol, vi televisión, jugué videojuegos. (Went to Mass, played soccer, watched TV and played videogames.)

Us: Qué comió para la cena anoche? (What did you have for dinner last night?)
Aah, now we're getting somewhere! He looks up, thinks for a bit, and tells us. (It sounds like his foster mother is a wonderful cook!)

And .... that's about all we can come up with without a translator. The awkward silence ensues while we each try to think of something to talk about. Which is difficult. So we end up resorting to things like this:

Or this:

But no matter what, it always ends like this:


In other news, some big things are happening and things are speeding right along. Our dossier was approved on 10/31, only one business day after translation was completed. This is almost unheard of for approval to happen so quickly! For one thing, the stack of paperwork that must be reviewed is at least an inch thick. And frequently there are requests for further information that delay matters.

I know one thing that is helping is that the Colombian governmental family welfare agency (ICBF) has decided to allow La Casa de la Madre y el Niño, the orphanage in Bogotá that coordinated the Kidsave hosting program, to handle the processing of the subsequent adoptions. This helps immensely, since La Casa already approved our pre-hosting mini homestudy and medicals and one of their psychologists stayed with us for 5 days during Jean's host visit, and of course they debriefed Jean after he returned to Colombia. They know us already, and they know Jean and how much he desperately wants to come back to us. This personal element helps so much. Add to this all the prayers coming from family and friends, and we are set to break the record in how quickly a Kidsave child comes home to their forever family!

Another exciting development is that late last week, Jean was transferred from his foster home to La Casa. He will live there for the remaining couple of months until he comes home to us, where he will receive intensive English classes while the staff psychologists help prepare him for the transition. They will help him with any grief he experiences due to the separation from his foster family, and they will help him learn more about what it is to be part of a family.

At this point we are waiting for the official referral, which will contain a more complete file of his history than what we previously received. After we accept that it will be about two more months of paperwork with the U.S. government and getting visas for Colombia. So at this point it looks like we will be traveling mid to late January! It will depend on how much things slow down with the holidays as far as paperwork getting processed.


The puzzle is now 83% complete! It has been so exciting to see the puzzle picture gradually disappear as we flip purchased pieces over to write donors' names on the back. So this time in the photo I am including the box cover so people can remember what the finished puzzle will look like.

We are so very grateful for everyone's support. It is especially timely as later this week we need to make a $22,000 payment - yikes!!!

If anyone else would like to make a tax-deductible contribution, more information on how to do so can be found here.

Muchas gracias!