Jean, 12 years old

Jean, 12 years old

Friday, July 1, 2016

Swimming and Biking and Minecraft, Oh My!

Another fun-filled day. This boy is active! After breakfasting on egg and cheese arepas,  he wanted to get out on las bicicletas. I wasn't sure if he really knew how to ride, but I needn't have worried. He says he doesn't own a bike, but clearly he has access to one because he knew what he was doing. He and Nathan enjoyed zooming around the neighborhood.

Later in the morning we were invited to swim at the neighbor's house. Which was good because Jean really wanted to swim and did not want to wait until after lunch to go to the neighborhood pool. I was able to ascertain that Jean is quite comfortable in the water, but I couldn't tell if he can really swim any distance.

After lunch he wanted to go to the other pool but I needed to get a few things done so I had him watch a Muzzy video to learn some English. The Spanish subtitles helped him to understand what was happening. At one point some of the characters tell each other that they love one another. Jean turned to me and said, in English, "You love me?". Oh my goodness ... "Yes!" I said. "I love you!" he said. Swoon!

Then off to the big community pool. He wanted to go right over to the diving well. I don't think so! Sure enough, the swim test revealed that he cannot truly swim. And sadly, lessons are completely booked up until July 18th. I need to find a way for him to get lessons right away. He's only here for four weeks!

It's fun for me trying to figure out what he likes to eat and attempting to make things that I know he'll like, and that he is familiar with, but to still expose him to some new things as well. He seems to like to know while eating one meal, what the next will be. Last night when I was making the chicken legs he asked who else was coming to dinner (probably because I made a lot extra). When I said "No one", he asked if we were going to eat more chicken tomorrow. Nathan explained that in our family we don't eat meat on Fridays. I thought it might be hard to explain that to him, but he knew just what we were talking about. I asked what he wanted for dinner tonight - eggs, fish, or beans. He got super excited and said "Pescado, pescado, pescado!" Ok, so this boy really likes fish! So that's what we did - grilled salmon with lemon butter, rice pilaf, and zucchini. Jean ate everything, had an extra helping of fish, then sat back and called himself a little piggy while patting his belly. Adorable.

Now Nathan is showing him how to play Minecraft. Here's hoping Jean is able to sleep a little better tonight - he is excited to meet Zachary tomorrow upon his arrival home from Cub Scout camp!

1 comment:

  1. This is bringing tears to my eyes. How wonderful!! We're praying for all of you.
