Jean, 12 years old

Jean, 12 years old

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Tomorrow is the Big Day!

I don't know if I'll be able to sleep tonight! I hope so, because I was so excited last night after our Skype call that I got very little sleep.

We are ready to go to the airport tomorrow! See?

I really, really like Juan Camilo, the kids' chaperone/social worker from Colombia. He really seems to care about the kids and is getting to know their personalities and strengths and weaknesses. He just sent us a few more helpful updates on Jean, such as:
  • He lives in a farm town outside of a big city (he is not used to the big city life and may be overwhelmed by some things). (Good to know, maybe taking him into DC to see the fireworks for the 4th isn't such a good idea, will have to wait and see ...)
  • He is a perfectionist. This can be his flaw sometimes because he can get mad at himself if something isn’t done perfectly, but it is also a good thing since he tries hard and puts effort into everything.
  • In order to deal with the above, the coordinator suggested that he needs to be given personal space and he will snap out of it very quickly. He likes to process his frustration on his own time. It most likely has nothing to do with you, it’s frustration with his own perfectionism. (So helpful to have this figured out already ...)
  • They told us he is the most educated/cultured of the group with the best manners! All of the children struggle with table manners, which is something to keep in mind, but Jean Carlos is very polite and always saying thank you. (How nice!)
  • Very funny, loves jokes, music, and singing! A joy to be around.
ONLY ONE MORE DAY!!!!!! Now, off to see if I can get a little sleep ......

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